Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Christmas Conversations Day 6-7

As I was doing Saturday's reading, I was struck by the presence of questions in the prayers. Do your prayers ever contain questions or are they usually a list of thank you's and requests? Mine probably typically (double qualifier there) lean toward the latter. But I have a new goal as I roll through these Christmas Conversations... to allow the questions of the prayers to linger for a while. Not to just plow through and read the couple lines and call it good but to allow the questions to provoke some prayerful conversation between me and God. Throughout the Bible, especially in the Psalms, prayers are filled with questions like "Why is this happening?" or "How long will this last?" or "What is going on here, I don't understand?".

Day 7 also contains an important point about questions. If Day 6 reminds us that questions are OK within our prayers, Day 7 also tells us that it is OK to ask questions about the Bible and God and the world around us. Ask the questions and then dive into conversations with others and with God through His Word where he reveals Himself and as you ask and follow up with the questions I am confident that your faith will be confirmed. That God will show Himself to be who the Bible says that He is. (More to come on all that.) We often think or are told that any questions are bad and wrong... that we just have to accept what we are told without blinking an eye or furrowing a brow. The danger is not in asking the questions, it's in allowing the questions to go unanswered. Be in conversation.

1 comment:

Lilly said...

I'll admit, this was hard for me, the whole question thing....I know that there are somethings that we can't understand since it is God's will and not ours, But I do have questions and even doubts from time to time. So thanks for that note reqarding the questions. This Bible study has made me think a lot about the questions and what my own answers are. It sent me searching for a way that I can find the answers, or at least be able to answer them better. I wasn't sure how I would respond if asked by someone, hence I have not been going forth asking questions. But for the future I will hopefully be prepared.